National wing chain announces development agreement to expand presence in Georgia Richardson, TX ( Wingstop, the award-winning 550+ unit wing…
Dallas-based restaurant group with French heritage plans brand revitalization Irvine, CA ( Le Duff America, Inc. completed the acquisition of…
New Restaurant to Provide Residents Prepared-at-Order Chicken in a Casual Dining Atmosphere Spring, Texas ( On Monday, March 4, 2013,…
Island-Inspired Restaurant Celebrates Landmark Opening in Minnesota West Palm Beach, FL ( Hurricane Grill & Wings® is pleased to announce…
Seafood, vegetarian options are perfect for Fridays through March Jackson, MS ( Newk’s Express Café is highlighting its Lent-friendly menu…
Witty, edgy social media campaign reinforces Legendary brand’s Irish heritage Dallas, TX ( Bennigan’s, the Legendary neighborhood pub known for…