Free Restaurant Daily Planner

Free Restaurant Daily Planner
Free Restaurant Daily Planner

Without a well thought out plan, restaurant operators become absorbed in putting out shift fires instead of producing profitable results. A restaurant manager with no plan equals a shift with no direction.  A shift with no direction equals a disorganized operation, a stressed team, deteriorating service levels and unhappy guests. Sales decline, costs spiral out of control and profits diminish or disappear altogether.

An effective Action Plan is nothing more than your operational road map. It shows you where you are, where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. As a restaurant operator, there’s no excuse for not doing your homework.

Fortunately, planning your shifts ahead of time doesn’t have to be an all night cram session.  You can develop an effective plan for your next shift within minutes. Spend an hour or so and you’ve got a blueprint for your upcoming week. Used wisely, investing time in preparing your restaurant’s Action Plan can be the crucial factor in running a smooth, productive shift and building sales.

While we know there’s an app, gadget and gizmo for everything these days, a written plan somehow makes things more personal.  We’ve put together a free, simple, one-page action planner that you can use in your restaurant.

Click here to download