Invest in a Roll-A-Cover Retractable Enclosure for Your Restaurant Patio

Invest in a Roll-A-Cover Retractable Enclosure for Your Restaurant Patio

Invest in a Roll-A-Cover Retractable Enclosure for Your Restaurant PatioBethany, CT  (  Your outdoor patio is about to become a valuable resource for your business! Roll-A-Cover can transform your outdoor patio into a year-round, revenue producing space.

Why is that?

  • Everyone will want to be outdoors after being forced inside.
  • Your outdoor patio will transform your restaurant, allowing people to dine in an open & clean air space.
  • Since bars & restaurants can operate with “diminished standing room occupancy,” your outdoor patio will give you the additional space you will need.

A Roll-A-Cover Retractable Enclosure…

  • Will increase your restaurant capacity in any weather condition.
  • Gives your restaurant additional space for social distancing guidelines.
  • Can close during bad weather & still occupy the space.
  • Allows diners to be outside.

You will continue to attract diners to an outdoor dining atmosphere, even when the weather is bad. Your business already owns this valuable space. Now is the time to capitalize on the outdoor area.

Your business can re-coupe the losses from the shutdown and ramp up for Winter 2020 and 2021 business.

Invest in a Roll-A-Cover Retractable Enclosure for Your Restaurant Patio

About Roll-A-Cover, International

Roll-A-Cover, International is America’s largest manufacturer of trackless retractable enclosure products. When the weather becomes inclement you will quickly and easily be able to close your retractable enclosure and still be able to utilize your outdoor area. This allows your customers to be outdoors or indoors rather than having a permanent structure year-round. Roll-A-Cover has earned 14 North American awards for its retractable enclosure products and is continuing to cover restaurant patios, rooftops, and swimming pools across the globe. Don’t waste valuable outdoor dining space and lose money. Generate revenue year-round with a Roll-A-Cover retractable enclosure. For more information, please visit, call 866-393-7292, or email You can also follow us on social media @rollacover!

Roll-A-Cover’s got you covered!